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Alpha's Programming Notes

Welcome to Alpha's Programming Notes! This site is a comprehensive compilation of my personal learnings, code snippets, and Today-I-Learned (TIL) entries, curated to assist both myself and fellow programmers.

About This Project

Over the years, I have gathered a vast amount of knowledge and insights related to programming languages, Linux commands, DevOps tools, and more. Initially, these notes served as a personal reference, but I have now decided to share them with the broader community. I hope that you find these resources as useful as I have.

Tools and Technologies

  • Writing: I use Sublime Text for writing and managing my notes. Its speed and lightweight nature make it my preferred choice over alternatives like Visual Studio Code.
  • Site Generation: The site is built using MkDocs, a static site generator that's perfect for creating project documentation.
  • Theme and Extensions: I use Material for MkDocs along with a variety of extensions and plugins to enhance the site's functionality and appearance.
  • Hosting: The source markdown files are hosted on GitHub, and the site is deployed to Netlify.

You can explore the notes at

Purpose and Vision

The primary goal of these notes is to help me remember and reinforce what I have learned over time. Additionally, by sharing these notes publicly, I aim to provide a valuable resource for other developers who are on their learning journey. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, I hope you find something beneficial here.

Stay tuned for more updates! This site is continually evolving, with new notes and updates added regularly.

Feel free to explore, learn, and contribute. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome to make this resource even better. Happy coding!